Meet the Team: Greg Flanigan


Back when they were getting ready for the Kraken Cup, there were only two Nuts: Heather and Homer. One day, Heather dragged Homer to do a stint on the Draken Harald Hårfagre, where word got subtly passed around that Homer was one of the crazy people who sailed on Snorri. Greg, upon hearing this, prodded Homer for some sea stories around 11 at night during a house party after the forty-five-minute congo line had died down. After trading sea stories of dubious truth for almost an hour, Heather emerged onto the porch and Homer exclaimed, “Heather! This is the guy!” Greg rejoined, “I’m the guy! Wait, what does that mean?” The rest is history.

Greg likes to joke that his life has been a long series of questionable decisions involving boats, interspersed with attempts at learning things in school. We can’t speak to whether he actually learned anything in school, but boy has he made some decisions on, and honestly off of, boats. He is a native of the swamps of the Chesapeake and has a great fondness for classic sailing vessels, from schooners and catboats to log canoes and viking ships. When not making money to support his boating habit, Greg can be found sailing, enjoying the outdoors, and making small pieces of wood into larger, more complicated pieces of wood.

Adventure stuff that Greg has survived:

1995-1999 circumnavigation via Panama Canal, New Zealand, Cape of Good Hope.

5 week+ canoe camping expeditions in Quetico and Northern Ontario

2003-2010 Seven attempts and six finishes of the Troop 35 40 Miler, a single-day 40-mile hike.

2008 was bitten by a small but ill-tempered monkey

2012 Pilgrimage by foot to Kedarnath in the Himalayas

2013 Midwinter summit of Mt. Washington

6 Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Races, including 2 1st places

2018 5 months on Draken HH as a sailor, carpenter, medic, and nuisance

2019 Almost died in a sometimes floating tree while racing in the Kraken Cup

Many nights camping the in the rain, the cold, and occasionally the snow.


Meet the Team: Homer Williams


Meet the Team: Heather Jankens